VIDEO >Class 12

Chapter 01 Electric Charges and fields

1. Learn about electric charge, types of charge, properties of charge, conservation of charge, additive nature of charge, quantization of charge, numerical, one coulomb,

 2. Learn about one coulomb, coulombs law, electrostatic force, and Numericals.

 3. Learn about Numericals, coulomb law in vector form, force between multiple Charges

 4. Learn About force between multiple Charges, force due to multiple charges, superposition principle of forces. Electric field, point charges, source charges, electric field intensity, superposition principle.
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 5. Learn about continuous charge distribution, linear charge density, surface charge density, volume charge density, electric field lines, properties of line of forces.
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 6. Learn about electric dipole, dipole moment, electric field intensity at a point on the Axis and equatorial line
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 7. Learn About torque acting of Dipole
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 8. Learn About Gauss's law and its derivation.
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 9. Learn About Electric field intensity due straight infinitly long wire, ncert exercise Q No. 30
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 10. Learn About Electric field due to Plane Sheet, Parallel Plane Sheet and Spherical Shell.
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 11. Learn About NCERT QUESTIONS, EXAMPLE 1.11 and 1.12
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